sebelumnya udah tau kah Iklan tersebut ? ini lah SITTI, taukah sitti sobat ? sitti adalah jaringan pemasang iklan kontekstual dalam jaringan internet (online) terbesar di Indonesia yang berdiri tahun 2010. Jaringan kami mencakup ribuan situs dan blog berbahasa Indonesia.
Iklan kontekstual adalah iklan terpasang di halaman situs/blog yang tepat, menjangkau pengunjung situs yang sesuai dengan profil yang disasar pemasang iklan. Profil ini termasuk umur, jenis kelamin, profesi, sampai gaya hidup. Teknologi yang dipakai adalah berdasarkan kata kunci (keyword). Sistim SITTI membaca dan mengolah kata kunci untuk memilih iklan yang relevan/sesuai untuk ditampilkan di situs yang sedang dibaca pengunjung.
Untuk pemasang iklan, jaringan ini membantu menjangkau sasaran pasar yang luas. Selain itu impresi iklan gratis, anggarannya fleksibel dan pengiklan bebas menentukan di kota mana iklan akan ditayangkan.
Sedangkan untuk pemilik blog dan situs, halaman dalam blog/situs bisa dimanfaatkan untuk mendapat keuntungan dari pemasangan iklan melalui SITTI dan bisa menjadi sumber penghasilan bulanan.
Berikut ini adalah 10 kelebihan dan keuntungan bagi anda yang berminat menggunakan cara beriklan dengan efektif melalui SITTI359 :
1.Impresi iklan gratis Effective Internet Advertising Offers Qualified Indonesia is an article about the ad that will Sitti berry blog to cover all my friend. talk talk about advertising in Indonesia, advertising what the heck is the cheapest according to my friend ...
Effective Internet Advertising Offers Qualified Indonesia is an article about the ad that will Sitti berry blog to cover all my friend. talk talk about advertising in Indonesia, advertising what the heck is the cheapest according to my friend? but also quality? nah that's what this blog will cover berries, about the ad and hopefully this article can be useful for all my friend. hmmm, no strings attached again let cekedot yaa pal to ane article about Sitti, not Sitti nurhaliza yaaa, this ad Sitti Indonesia, hehehehehehehehhehe.
Iklan Internet Murah Efektif Berkualitas Indonesia
previously already know whether these ads? This is Sitti, Sitti taukah mate? Sitti is a contextual advertiser network to the net (online), the largest in Indonesia that was built in 2010. Our network includes thousands of websites and blogs in Bahasa Indonesia.
Contextual ads are ads inserted in the pages of the site / blog is right, reach out to visitors who fit the profile of the targeted advertisers. This profile includes age, gender, profession, until lifestyle. The technology used is based on the keyword (keyword). Sitti reading and processing system of keywords to choose ads that are relevant / appropriate for display on the site that is being read visitors.
For advertisers, these networks help to reach a broad target market. In addition ad impressions free, flexible budgets and advertisers are free to choose the city where the ads will be displayed.
As for the owners of blogs and sites, pages within your blog / website can be used to profit from advertising through Sitti and can be a source of monthly income.
Here are 10 advantages and benefits for those of you who are interested in using an effective way to advertise through SITTI359:
1.Impresi free ad
With the system PPC or Pay-Per-Click, you will pay when there are new people who are interested in and click on the ad buddy products buddy. When ads are displayed but not clicked on one, then my friend does not have to pay.
2.Anggaran flexible
Whatever buddy budget, advertising can appear and generate sales.
3.Mudah calculate the conversion
my friend can see the full report how much it cost my friend out and how many people are interested in our products and click on the ads my friend, so my friend can calculate the success of the campaign is run.
4.Kontekstual and relevant
Pal ads only appear on pages where people have interest in her. Become more effective advertising and sales will be more optimal.
5.Jangkauan widely throughout Indonesia
Pal products will reach 50 million internet users in Indonesia and pal ads will be seen by 500 million pairs of eyes.
6.Iklan in Indonesian
The target market is people Indonsia buddy? Advertise using the Indonesian language is the most clever move! SITTI359 is a native of advertising media in the country and most understand the Indonesian language.
my friend in the city are free to determine where your ad will show. Pal focus increasingly advertise on the target market, the more effective promotion of a buddy to do.
8.Mudah operated
pal can easily create your own ads. Less than 5 minutes. Simply by logging onto and follow existing guidelines.
9.Iklan can be monitored at any time
In addition, my friend can also make modifications at any time. Thus, man can ensure the effectiveness of advertising pal.
10.Iklan compete with products known
Not only that excess Sitti "Effective Internet Advertising Offers Qualified Indonesia", adalagi loo buddy, the buddy who like blogging so my friend can be a publisher Sitti, more money can be quite a hobby, hehehhe, wait apalafi ::
1.Tulisan what will be paid *
Ranging from confusion to curhatan quality writing, you could be earning from the topic of any story. (* If there are ads that are appropriate).
2.Bebas expression in Indonesian
Regular formal writing style? Or prefer to mix it with slang? Release your expression. Sitti will interpret your writing and find that page appropriate ads that make money.
3.Iklan that appears appropriate to the content of the blog
There's no such thing as ads do not connect. Ads tailored to the content of the pages easier to read. Ads can also be set according to the feel of your blog.
4.Dapat monthly income
Write a story sobaat at will and as much as you want. Each month the income will be transferred to bank accounts pal
Sitti another great friend who has special packages, as follows ::
Ads will be displayed up to 2.5 million mate times of appearance
Making webstore (Online Store) for free along with free maintenance for 3 months
Sitti 1 million worth of free vouchers
Ads will be displayed up to 1.2 million mate times of appearance
Making webstore (Online Store) for free along with free maintenance for 1 month of the first
Sitti 500 000 worth of free vouchers
Pal ads will be displayed until the appearance of 550 000 times
Making webstore (Online Store) for free along with free maintenance for 1 month of the first
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